In this age of AI, everyone is talking about how to save time and all the efficiencies you get. Sure, there are amazing prompts and tricks to get the best output to plus up sooo many of our day-to-day tasks, but there are efficiencies you can be gaining without any AI or additional programs. We can’t tell you how many times we watch over peoples’ shoulders as they are walking through their work, and it is painful to watch as they navigate and…..use their mouse.

Just like the title, here are 5 keyboard shortcuts that we use on the regular that are going to be your best friends, and they will save you more time than you could ever image.

Some ground rules – we are Mac users, so we’re going to be referencing Mac shortcuts first, and then have the Windows Versions listed after. We’ll do our best to clarify which programs these shortcuts are the most effective in. Play around with the shortcuts in different programs – you’ll be surprised how global some of them are.

Keyboard Shortcut #1:  CMD + Tab ( CMD + Shift + Tab : Backwords)

  • While holding the CMD button, hit the Tab button and then release.
  • This shortcut will bounce you back/forth between the last two programs you were using. This works great when on a single monitor (just your laptop), or even between a multi-screen setup. 
  • Bonus tip – if you hold the CMD button while tapping the Tab button, you will see a toolbar that shows all open programs, and each press of the Tab button will change the highlighted program as it cycles through. Simply release the CMD button when the program you desire is highlighted.
  • Windows version: Windows + Tab

Keyboard Shortcut #2:  CMD + ~ (With Shift: CMD + ~ : Backwards)

  • This shortcut is similar in spirit to the CMD + Tab shortcut in that it switches you between windows….of the same program!
  • I use this regularly in Chrome – I’ll have multiple windows of Chrome open that have groups of relevant tabs in each window (there are great Chrome features where you can even organize or pin tabs!). CMD + ~ very quickly allows me to cycle through the different Chrome windows to access the information I need without ever needing to use my mouse.
  • Windows Version: Windows + ~

Keyboard Shortcut #3:  CMD + K

  • In G-Suite, this shortcut is the hyperlink function. So, you either can use keyboard functions to highlight the text you need, or you use your mouse and hold CMD and then press the K button. This will open the hyperlink text entry.
  • This same shortcut in Slack is how you can access the directory text box to quickly type in the channel name or person’s name you want to message or review. Slack did a great job with this feature because any channel or DM that has unread messages will show up at the top of the list without entering anything into the text field, and all you need to do is either hit Return to start at the top, or down/up arrow to the one you want and hit Return.
  • Windows Version: CTRL + K

Keyboard Shortcut #4:  CMD + W

  • This works on a system level, and can act differently for different programs. 
  • Let’s start with Chrome – want to X out of a tab? That is what CMD + W does for you. When in a tab that you are done with, you hold the CMD button and then press the W button and it will kill the chrome tab you are in. Super amazing.
    • This is especially awesome for those of us who have 10 gazillion tabs in each window, and selecting the X with the mouse can require brutal precision when you are in the flow.
  • General programs – CMD + W will kill the window you have open. For example, I’ll sometimes have multiple PDFs open in Preview. When I’m done with one, just hit the CMD + W shortcut, and it closes only that window out and pulls the next recent Preview window up. Snip snap!
  • Windows Version: CTRL + W

Keyboard Shortcut #5:  CMD + Shift + 8

  • This shortcut applies to many programs. The programs I use this the most in are G-Suite, Slack, email, Asana.
  • This combo is the shortcut to create a bulleted list. There are some fun additional shortcuts to keep in mind with this:
    • CMD + Shit + 7 can switch it to a numbered/ordered list, and this can be mixed/matched with the bulleted list. For example, maybe you want to start the top bullet as just a bullet, but you want to have the sub-bullets list as (a), (b), etc, you can do that with this combo.
    • CMD + Shift + 8 within a bulleted list will remove the bullet and take the line to the beginning of the indented area (in continuity of whatever sub-bullet you are at).
    • CMD + ] will indent the bullet your text marker is on (Tab may be the only option in some programs)
    • CMD + [ will un-indent the bullet your text marker is on
    • These two will be clutch as you are taking notes and really getting into the sub-bullets.
  • Windows Versions:
    • CTRL + Shift + 7
    • CTRL + Shift + 8
    • CTRL + ]
    • CTRL + [

Keyboard Shortcut #6:  Shift + d-arrows

  • This one is going to actually be a grouping, because they all play around the same function. This is generally an OS level keyboard shortcut, but it may play differently in some programs. The descriptions below are geared towards the G-Suite, Slack and Asana.
  • Shift + d-arrows will highlight/unhighlight text. For example, if your text indicator is at the beginning of a line of text, and you hold Shift will hitting the Right Arrow, this will highlight a letter at a time. Pay attention to the following list, as this is where things get wild:
    • CMD + Shift + Right Arrow will highlight from your text indicator to the end of the line
    • This will also work in reverse – from the end of the line to the beginning of the line with the Left Arrow
    • Option + Shift + Right Arrow will highlight a word at a time, as well as special characters when paired with words/numbers, per tap of the Right Arrow.
    • Similarly, Option + Delete will delete a word at a time, and a special character at a time when they are paired with words/numbers.
    • CMD + d-arrows will take your text indicator to the end/beginning of a line if you use the Right Arrow/Left Arrow respectively.
    • CMD + Delete will delete from the text indicator to the beginning of a line.
  • Windows Versions:
    • Shift + d-arrows
    • CTRL + Shift + d-arrows
    • CTRL + Backspace

Keyboard Shortcut #7:  CMD + Z (perhaps one of the most famous keyboard shortcuts)

  • This one is going to actually be a grouping, because they all play around the same function. Maybe even the Holy Trinity of Keyboard Shortcuts…
  • CMD + Z is the UNdo function. Every time you hit it is executes one step back of the Undo.
  • CMD + Shift + Z is the REdo function. If you have gone too many “undo’s” back, this will take you forward.
  • In the spirit of “undo’ing”, CMD + Shift + T in Chrome will re-open a Chrome tab or window that you may have inadvertently closed. I can’t tell you how many times this has saved me. You’re welcome.
  • Windows Versions:
    • CTRL + Z
    • CTRL + Shift + Z
    • CTRL + Shift + T

There you have it. These will make your life as a producer even more efficient. Have fun with them, play around with some of the combinations, and who knows what you’ll discover.

What are your favorite Keyboard Shortcuts? Let us know which have made the biggest difference for you.